Monday, October 23, 2006

the black gates of Mordor

I haven't even seen Lord of the Rings.
I know- gasp!

But I have come to understand the meaning of Mordor.

Welcome to Philosophy and Letters.
The black gates are super welcoming--don't you think.
Plus the graffiti adds just a little something special.

This is my ministry field.
And home to the druggies, homeless and interesting.

I like to call them the "gray people."

Their dreads are gray.
The smoke from their joints is gray.
Their seldomly washed clothing is gray.
And they have very gray lives.

It fits, don't you think?

Now, inside the black gates is a little courtyard where all the hanging out happens.
One little square of intimidation.

This is the place my lighter would come in handy.

Granted, there are very normal people who go to school here.
They just don't hang out in the square of smoke and scariness.

They go home.
To safety.
I wish I could follow them....

Instead I get these lovely interactions:

Me: Excuse me. Do you speak English?

Italian: Only a little. (what a wierdo).

Stupid American: Can I sit with you?

Innocent Girl: Sure. (now you're freaking me out).

Idiot: I'm American.

Patiently-enduring Person: Oh really. (duh.)

Wanna-be Euro: Can I practice my Italian with you?

You will never be as cool as me: Okay. (this is gonna be good....)

And several mistakes and awkward pauses later, we get to Jesus.
Its a wonderful way to do ministry.
In stupidity, you stay humble.

I have come to love Mordor and the gray people.
But I still have afternoons when I want to go running far, far away and call my Momma.
Its a lot of give and take.

After a bad day at Mordor, we tend to watch Alias.
We've already gone through about 15 episodes.
I'm afraid we're gonna go through 'em pretty fast.

But then there's always Gilmore Girls.

"if you're out on the road, feeling lonely and so cold, all you have to do is call my name and I'll be there on the next train...."

Once I am Lorelai-witty in Italian, Mordor doesn't stand a chance!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you laughed aloud when you wrote that funny section. I read it thinking that you laughed when you wrote it, and it made it even funnier.

You really are European... you said "grey" and not "gray."

8:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And you are there to show "the light" to that dark square behind the gates. They need your smile my sweet Sarah, but really glad there is Gilmore Girls waiting for you at home.

Love and miss you,

3:23 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

an again i am humbled.
thanks for the correction d.o.
grey/gray has always been a problem for me.

3:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an awesome depiction of our wonderful little world of Mordor! At least there is always weird, super loud music bar to go to at Architecture with sweet Nico and Attilio.

10:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And with Alias comes Claire's love....

12:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So well written, Sarah! I feel like I am walking through it with you - wish I was.

Love you.

3:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If that area is Mordor, then you're Frodo, and I'm Sam (played by "fat Rudy"). They are good friends that have the same goal! Except Frodo has to be out on his own sometimes! So that's you. And you're doing a great job. (oh the literary analysis with me never ends...)

9:05 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

thanks Leesh.

i feel like i should send that on to Coach B and he could enter you in some writing contest and you could relive your high school glories all over again.

that would be fun.

kiwanis club here we come.

12:59 AM  
Blogger Hendrick Family said...

I'm so glad my Gilmores can bring you comfort, even in Mordorville.

Sing the theme song every time it comes on...and when it gets to "call my name" sing it real loud.

That fixes everything in my life for about two days.

Try it.



4:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ciao Bella,

Just let me know when youare finished with "Alias" and I will send you "Lord of the Rings - the extended, uncut, extra deleted scenes added director's dream version". I will be so happy to educate you in the truly dark world of the Hobbits, which should see you through Easter, at least. Than, when you are finished with that, there is "Star Wars - Episodes 1-6", several "Star Trek" movies, and of course, all of the soap operas you can handle. Just let me know when you need them.

Try not to get sucked down into the grayness, Sarah. Whenever you feel that you are starting to turn gray, just walk into any one of those magnificent churches in Florence, and you will be filled once again with Jesus' light.

Hugs and love,
Mrs. Renee

3:56 AM  

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