Saturday, September 09, 2006

How much deodorant do YOU use in a year?

That's right. You heard me. How much?
I guess-timated about 4 things of deodorant in a year.
Now, I am feeling pretty self-concious about posting that number because I do not know where I will fit on the scale of deodorant use. But to date, no one has told me I stink, so I'm thinking I'm okay.

These are the questions to ponder when you are packing for a year and the country you are going to live in does not have anti-persperant in their under-arm concoctions.
Right now you may be thinking, "eww gross!" And you would be correct.
LIfe in another country is a stinky matter.

I for one, am praying that with my 4 sticks of d.o. I will not be one of the many with b.o.
I may try to look European, but shame on me if ever smell like one.

With this dilemma conquered, I am ready to leave in two days.

I will keep you updated on the travel process. Please be praying for my flight to Frankfurt--I will go it alone.
Yep, me..... in Germany.....alone.....for a few hours--we'll see how many ways I can mess that up.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone, somewhere in American business probably knows exactly how much deodorant the average consumer uses each year. Until we can find that person the rest of us will have to await the results of Sarah's year long test. Enquiring minds want to know!

4:54 AM  
Blogger lo said...

you'll be fine going to germany sarah!

so far i'm 1 for 3 on my solo flights to ESPANA and i haven't gotten myself into too much trouble.

europe is eagerly waiting to welcome you i'm sure....4 sticks of d.o. and all!

6:06 PM  
Blogger Hendrick Family said...

If you run out, I'll mail you some. I can't think of you in Spain stinky. I have always thought you would be a breath of fresh air in Europe...figuratively AND literally.

8:21 PM  
Blogger Brooke said...

YEA!!!!! you're there!!!! :) say hi to katie for me. glad you're safe.

3:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

poor Heather... she thinks you're in Spain... but she probably also doesn't know that Spain and Italy are really different.

I love you Heather.

8:21 AM  

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