Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Year in the States....

I have officially been back in the good ol' US of A for one year, one month and 3 days.

It feels good to be an American again. And it really did take a full 9 months to feel that way. It has been 7 months since the last update, and I thought it only fair to let you all in on the journey. Plus, D.O. put the pressure on. (And for that I thank him.)

You may ask what this transition has done for me... where have I landed after 4 amazing years in College Station and 2 fabulously adventurous and fulfilling years in Italy??

Ummm, way back at the beginning.


I am teaching at my high school.
Living with a friend from high school who was my roommate freshman year at A&M.
I am coaching the cheerleaders. (Hello, glory days.)
Oh yea, and I'm dating the boy that I had a crush on in high school.

Someone should sign me up for a reality show.

"Where are they now? - The High School Yearbook edition"

It really blows my mind. The creativity, the humor, the total surprise attack of the Lord to put me here all over again. Yet again, how sweet to have a chance to reconnect with people I never thought I'd see again, to have a chance to "re-do" a few things, and to see how much I've grown since I was here last.

Other people notice the changes as well. One older male teacher who was at the school when I was there, came up to me and said: "Welcome back dear. You sure are prettier since I saw you last."

I wasn't sure if "ouch" or "thanks" should follow, so I just smiled and nodded.

I officially started teaching two days ago, so right now I feel like a crazy person.

My head is spinning, my feet hurt, and keep forgetting to pack my lunch!

I keep waiting for someone to barge into the room and say, "Miss Vierling, we need you out in the hall-- we've made a mistake."

Until that happens though, I guess I'll keep showing up, making transparencies (so 7th grade math to me), and assigning homework (such power!).

I cannot tell you how many times I have heard the students say, "Sarah" and I turn around and ask "What?"

Better yet, a few of the JV cheerleaders came up to introduce themselves and I just flat out said, "Hi, I'm Sarah." Two other teachers jumped in to say "Miss Vierling" to cover my blunder. Smooth, real smooth.

If you had told me a year ago that this is where I'd be, I would have been skeptical at the very least. Even my Italian friends think it's a little strange.

A direct quote from Ilaria when I told her I was teaching: "What?!?!? It sounds strange. You are so young. Anyway, i guess that you are happy about it so good luck my dear!"

"So good luck."

She must know I'm in way over my head!

This year might not hold adventures like my years in Italy did, but I'm confident that I'll have just as many funny stories.

After all, I'm teaching freshmen.

They think that Columbus discovered America in 1942... so we're on a roll already.

And I promise, more updates to come.

For now, I'll leave you with this:

By far my favorite thing about coming home! We've improved so much since high school!