Never in a Million Years
Once again my path leads me down good ol' highway six.
Since we are still waiting for our visas, Crusade has decided to keep us busy.
Good thing, too.
I was about ready to start babbling about that cleaning house business.
I already did the bathroom.
The damage is done.
So, my team and I are returning to work at our alma maters.
Since I am the token non-crusade girl, I get to work at Grace Bible.
My official title will be: Floater.
Odd jobs--here I come.
Ahh, back to Aggieland.
I can just smell the musty books in Evans and the Rec locker room.
And I can almost taste the Layne's special sauce and the taco salad at the 12th man.
Its funny how the Lord works.
Even after all the crazy stuff we have been through together, He still suprises me.
Sign up for Italy, get sent to College Station.
Never in a million years did I expect this.
I have had my time of tears.
I have spent some time in sarcasm.
And now I know I just have to trust.
I would never pause a year in Italy to check in on my college town.
But then again,
I would never think that feeding a ton of people with bread and fish would work,
and I sure wouldn't have thought that wandering in a desert for 40 years was a good plan.
But He's radical.
Radical to the point of seeming ridiculous.
College Station, really?!
Nope. I'm not in control.
My life is not my own.
Point well made, Lord.
So here I am:
to see what He has in store next.
But for now, it's three and half hours and one well-worn highway.
If this is His plan, then I want to be right there in it.
I better shine up that gold ring.
Aggieland or bust, baby.
Although I can always use the help with cleaning your bathroom, I will give that up just to see you drive a Ford F150. That does put a new "spin" on being back in C.S.
What is this about a F150....
AAAHHHH!!! And yet another change!!! The Lord really is radical! HA!
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